Daily benefits insurance
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More information about Daily benefits insurance
Employees receive first the wage or salary payment and later the sickness benefit from the statutory health insurance.
Self-employed and freelancers do not have this claim in principle. Sick-day allowance is paid in the event of complete incapacity for work as compensation for the loss of earnings.
A part of private health insurance is the sickness allowance. Employees should include a daily subsistence allowance from the 43rd day onwards in order to receive the employer’s allowance.
For the self-employed and freelancers daily allowances are already available from the 4th day. However, as low grace periods are usually very expensive, a grace period between the 21st and the 43rd day has worked well for most insured persons.
Also insured in the GKV there have a gap in sickness allowance there. The SHI pays 70% of the gross income, but only a maximum of 90% of the net income. Everyone can cover this gap through a private contract. The gap in incomes above the income threshold is even greater, as GKV insures daily allowances only up to this limit. There, in order to secure the standard of living, private supplementary insurance should be taken out in any case.