Estate Planning
Only those who plan the succession in time and with care can avoid surprises and make sure what is important to them:
Be it the own standard of living or the existence of the relatives, the continuance of the enterprise with its jobs or the good name of the enterprise.
The design of the succession touches on personal, family, legal and tax issues.
The optimal solution can only be found with a holistic approach. Here, the financial and succession planners of our company bundle their know-how for the best possible result in the interests of our client.
In the follow-up process, we guarantee that the individual specialists not only perform isolated pieces in their specialist area, but that a holistic view is maintained.
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So our customers can u.a. benefit from the clever planning:
Distribution of the assets to the individual heirs in accordance with the wishes of the testator, liquidity-securing measures that cover the burden of the heirs, be it through inheritance tax, compulsory part and legacy burdens, successor arrangements in the company, which ensure its continued existence.
Estate Planning is the technical term that describes the consulting for the transfer of wealth between the generations.
The Financial Planning Standards Board Germany e.V. considers the activity of planning estate succession in inheritance, foundations etc. as an important part of financial planning.
Estate Planning is Financial Planning to the end. CFEP® Certificate Holders have an important role to play as they act as advisors to interface the asset owner as the testator and the heirs, on the one hand, and potential other advisors to clients, such as tax advisers or lawyers.
CFEP certificate holders can mediate between the generations and give the testator the technical input with regard to the optimization of financial decisions. Dying makes heirs and yet is a taboo topic for many wealthy.
Whether fortunes go unchecked to the next generation, whether companies can continue to exist and prosper after the succession or drift off bankruptcy due to a lack of liquidity, depends to a great extent on decisions that are made today.
The barely imaginable sum of one trillion euro assets – a number with twelve zeros – is inherited according to calculations of the DIW, German Institute for Economic Research, in the next seven years.
It is therefore advisable for wealthy people to make use of the advisory services of an estate planner for holistic asset transfer management in good time.
Estate planning goes far beyond the pure tax or legal aspects of estate succession, but aims to plan and manage holistically and comprehensively the economic and financial effects of asset transfer.
CFEP® certificate holders have in-depth knowledge of the entire range of planned asset succession and asset restructuring in the private and corporate sector – both at home and abroad. However, not only the tax and legal details are in the foreground, but the economic effects. In addition to these specialist knowledge, CFEP certificate holders are intensively trained as mediators in order to be able to advise on questions of corporate succession.
A particularly tax-interesting way is the founding of foundations, which should always be considered in Estate Planning.
The process of estate planning is similar in many ways to that of financial planning – only the line of vision is modified.
After a precise determination of the initial situation, the recording of customer goals and wishes as well as possible framework conditions, the CFEP certificate holder develops a conclusive overall concept.
As a rule, he works together with tax consultants and lawyers in order to be able to map detailed aspects in a competent manner.
The implementation of the recommendations is often accompanied by the CFEP certificate holder. CFEP® certificate holders have in-depth knowledge of the planning of estate succession, wealth transfer and asset formation in the private and corporate sector at home and abroad as well as their inheritance, tax and corporate law implications.
This expertise in the cross-linked consideration of the transference problem helps them to carry out analyzes and to work out solutions with the aim of preserving wealth.
The special training in communication skills enables the CFEP certificate holder to manage the asset transfer process in the context of advising and looking after high net worth individuals. The integration with the holistic advisory approach of Financial Planning is an important aspect that goes far beyond mere inheritance planning.
As a result, CFEP certificate holders create a solid planning basis for their clients, which promotes cohesion across generations.