accident insurance
Accidents happen quickly and unexpectedly. Often, hospitalization or disability are the result. If you want to master everyday life safely and carefree, protect yourself from the financial consequences of an accident.
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More information about accident insurance
Accident insurance with premium refund The accident insurance with premium reimbursement is a combination of accident insurance and savings. A small part of the contribution is used for insurance coverage, the greater part goes into a savings pot. First of all, it gives you the impression that you are getting your money back. The term “premium refund” leads to the assumption that you get back your insurance premium. This is wrong, though. You do not get the bonus, but the overpaid premium with a mostly low return.Example:
Actually, the thing does not sound bad, unfortunately, it has two hooks:
The interest on the savings portion is significantly lower than if, for example, take out life insurance with the same insurer.
Providers of accident insurance with premium reimbursement are among the expensive providers.
Our tip:
Nobody needs accident insurance with premium refunds. It would be better to conclude a low-priced accident insurance and invest the saved premium in a facility of your choice.
Why do I need a private accident insurance? Accident risks lurk everywhere and at any time. Thankfully, lasting damage to health is not the rule, or the arts of medicine are successful.But: It is not enough that sufferers hurt so badly that they temporarily or permanently can no longer pursue their profession and the usual leisure habits. The private accident insurance can compensate in part for considerable income losses and also for quality of life. The financial benefits from a private accident insurance are also often the starting capital for a new existence.
Important: More than half of all accidents occur during leisure time and in the home, so that no provision for the statutory accident insurance can be expected here. This means that e.g. Housewives and children are not hedged at all during their free time.
What is an accident anyway? Actually everyone knows what an accident is. Nevertheless, the accident definition in the General Accident Insurance Conditions is defined as follows: “An accident occurs when the insured involuntarily suffers damage to health as a result of an event / accident that suddenly affects his body from outside.” We would like to translate this “technical Chinese”:
An accident must occur (suddenly) within a short period of time. This means that e.g. the effects of sunburn after a prolonged sunbath are not considered sudden.
A blow or kick in front of the tibia is an external event affecting the body and thus assured.
The damage to health must happen involuntarily, i. Suicide or self-mutilation are not considered accidents.
The damage to health must cause physical harm, i. Psychic reactions due to an accident (such as shock) are also not covered by the definition of accident.
Who can insure himself in private accident insurance? Everyone can be virtually insured from birth. Thus, all age groups have the opportunity to protect themselves for the financial consequences of an accident. It can be professionals, children, housewives, the self-employed, students, just anyone. But no rule without exception:
The insurance does not cover persons who are mentally or permanently in need of care.
When and where does accident insurance apply? Private accident insurance is valid worldwide and around the clock.
It does not matter whether the accident occurs during work or during leisure time. Occasionally, leisure accident or work injury insurance is also taken out.
Such policies usually do not make sense, as they are only cut-outs – if so insured, then right.
What kind of benefits does an accident insurance offer? The heart of a private accident insurance is the disability benefit. However, there are other benefits to be agreed individually. Note, however, that invalidity usually always has to be insured.
call money
Hospital Cash
recovery of money
Transitional allowance
rescue costs
Cosmetic surgery costs
How much should I insure / my family? Under a rule of thumb, the sum insured should be three times the gross annual income. For adults, the accident insurance is to provide precaution, if from now on subsequently by an accident with lasting health impairments changed the life situation. So can costs for the disabled conversion of the apartment or house arise. Or due to the accident can be driven only with a corresponding converted car (for example, hand throttle, automatic).
What is not insured?
Accidents that occur to the insured person during the execution of an offense or attempted criminal offenses.
Accidents that occur directly or indirectly as a result of war or civil war events. The same applies to accidents caused by civil unrest, provided that the insured person is on the side of the troublemakers.
Accidents caused by disturbances of consciousness. These may include e.g. epileptic seizures, strokes, but also drunkenness. However, many vendors do not invoke exclusion in the case of drunkenness if the blood alcohol concentration is less than 1.1 per thousand.
Accidents occurring at racing events where it is important to achieve top speeds.
Accidents in which the insured acts as a pilot or occupies an aircraft (active, not as a passenger on the way to a business appointment) (for example paramedic in a helicopter).
Damage to health due to radiation (such as X-rays) is not insured. Good insurance conditions include this damage.
Damage to health resulting from remedial measures or interventions that the insured person makes on their body or carries out themselves.
Differences legal and private accident insurance
The statutory accident insurance is a compulsory insurance, which is borne by the professional associations and community accident insurance. Private accident insurance, on the other hand, is offered by private insurance companies and is thus subject to free competition.
The statutory accident insurance is financed by the employers. Depending on the remuneration of the employee and the risk situation of the company, the amount of the contributions depends. The contributions in private accident insurance are paid by the policyholder. It also determines the scope of services on which the amount of the premium depends.
In the statutory accident insurance is basically every employee, but also students, children in institutions such as kindergartens and schools insured.
The insurance coverage in the statutory accident insurance is limited only to accidents that are related to professional activities or school events, etc. These include so-called commuting accidents. Furthermore, the scope is generally limited to Germany. By contrast, private accident insurance offers round-the-clock and worldwide insurance coverage.
In statutory accident insurance, the amount of benefits depends on the salary of the insured person. In private accident insurance, the policyholder can combine the amount of the insurance benefits individually and in particular according to his personal needs.
If a child crashes while playing, the statutory insurance does not pay.
An employee accident while skiing, so is also not done.
The statutory accident insurance can therefore only be seen as a -nice to have, but not as a functioning accident insurance. It is more a matter of a small coverage, which can not replace a private accident insurance.
What is a progression scale? Progression scales are known to most people from the income tax. This progression states that as income increases, the tax rate (in%) and the tax payable (in EUR) increase. In accident insurance, the agreement of a progression scale means that with increasing disability the degree of disability (in%) and the disability benefit (in EUR) increase. For explanation, the most common progression scales are shown in the following overview with customary prices and benefits.
Overview progression Season
Without 225% 350% 500%
Basic sum 50,000 EUR 50,000 EUR 50,000 EUR 50,000 EUR
Power at 10% e.g. Loss of a thumb 5,000 EUR 5,000 EUR 5,000 EUR 5,000 EUR
20% 10,000 EUR 10,000 EUR 10,000 EUR 10,000 EUR
30% 15,000 EUR 15,000 EUR 20,000 EUR 20,000 EUR
40% 20,000 EUR 27,500 EUR 35,000 EUR 35,000 EUR
50% e.g. Loss of an eye 25,000 EUR 37,500 EUR 50,000 EUR 50,000 EUR
60% 30,000 EUR 52,500 EUR 75,000 EUR 90,000 EUR
70% 35,000 EUR 67,500 EUR 100,000 EUR 130,000 EUR
80% 40,000 EUR 82,500 EUR 125,000 EUR 170,000 EUR
90% 45,000 EUR 97,500 EUR 150,000 EUR 210,000 EUR
100% 50,000 EUR 112,500 EUR 175,000 EUR 250,000 EUR
annual Fee
annual Fee
Men of Hazard Group B * 32,00 EUR 38,50 EUR 54,00 EUR 62,00 EUR
Children 14,50 EUR 17,50 EUR 22,50 EUR 25,00 EUR
* Hazard group classification:
A: Men without physical occupation and women
B: Men with a physical occupation
With a high progression, you receive higher compensation for high degrees of disability. Conversely, for disability rates of up to 25% you receive significantly less (with the same contribution).
Taking into account the premiums, the 225% variant in the o.g. Example probably the favorite. However, this is not always the case since the premiums of the individual providers differ greatly.
One should never forget that even small degrees of disability can have a dramatic impact. For a professional musician who loses 2 fingers, for example, this can mean the end of his career.