software assurance

Maik Sammer

software assurance

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  • Independence - We are not bound to a specific provider
  • Large banking, insurance and financial services network
  • because of the network - big product access and comparison possibilities
  • Years of experience
  • Choice between fee-based billing with products at net rates or the classic commission payment of the product provider
  • Individual offers - we will find the right product for you


Ihre Anfrage zu software assurance






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    More information about software assurance

    The software insurance covers all financial expenses for the recovery and re-input of data that are lost due to property damage to computer equipment, data carriers, operating errors, lightning, etc.

    Advantages of Software Insurance at a Glance:

    Fault or failure of your own data processing system

    Intentional program or data modification by third parties

    over or under voltage

    Who is the insurance for?
    For both operators and owners of electronic equipment.

    What is insured?
    The insurance covers data and programs, for example data from files / databases, standard programs, custom-made programs. Also included are the removable media on which you have stored the data, such as magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, floppy disks.

    What is not insured?

    Data and programs you are not authorized to use (such as pirated copies)

    Inoperable or non-executable programs

    Data and programs that reside only in mainframe memory

    Changes or losses to insured data or programs by data or programs that contain claims that cause deletion, overwriting or other changes to insured data and programs, or that adversely affect their integrity, confidentiality or availability, such as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses.

    What damage is covered?
    Damage to electronic equipment can lead to the loss of vital data. Restoring this data can be much more expensive than repairing the causative defect. The software insurance covers all financial expenses for the recovery and re-entry of data that is lost due to damage to computer equipment, to data carriers or as a result of a lightning strike. We also compensate you if an adverse change or loss of data or programs occurred through:

    Disruption or failure of your own data processing equipment, your own remote data transmission equipment and lines, power supply or air conditioning

    Operator error (for example, wrong media usage, wrong command prompt)

    intentional program or data modification by third parties with detrimental intent, unless caused by data or programs with damage functions

    over or under voltage

    electrostatic charge, electromagnetic interference

    force majeure

    Where does the insurance apply?
    Insurance cover exists for you within the business premises registered in the insurance contract. For security data / carriers, there is additional insurance coverage in their depopulation facilities as well as on the connection routes.

    How is the sum insured determined?
    From the replacement or re-input costs of data, programs and data carriers.

    What do you receive in the event of a claim?
    The software insurance covers all financial expenses for the recovery and re-entry of data, programs and data media.
