Disability insurance / Invalidity insurance
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More information about Disability insurance / Invalidity insurance
The conditions in the disability insurance are very different. For you as the policyholder, only the benefit in case of disability is decisive.
Disability performance / condition comparison
According to the newest regulation of the legal insurance, in the future no achievement with a disability is provided. Instead of the occupational disability pension, there is a lower-earning disability pension. This hedge is insufficient. On average, the statutory pension insurers paid a monthly disability pension of only about 60 euros in the past years! Additional private protection through a disability insurance is essential. However, finding the right policy is not easy.
An occupational disability insurance is very advisory intensive. In addition to an online comparison of various providers, a disability, we also offer you a personal consultation by a certified insurance broker. Take advantage of our recall service / contact and we will assist you personally in choosing your disability insurance.
Good reasons for a disability insurance
More than 200,000 Germans annually become early retirees. Every fifth employee meets. These receive a continued salary payment from the employer, usually for six weeks. Thereafter, the sickness benefits. The GKV pays this for a maximum of 18 months. And then? Young pensions payers can expect little more from the statutory pension than pocket money (in the past years, the statutory pension insurers generally paid out a monthly disability pension of around 60 euros!). Often, accident insurance is offered to compensate for this pension gap. Although it costs less than an occupational disability insurance, it makes sense for those who do not practice a job such as children, housewives or students, etc. However, protection is more than insufficient for all working people. The name says it already. The policy only works in case of accident. Statistically, the probability of occupational disability due to an accident is very low at 3%.
Causes of occupational disability
Pie chart: causes of occupational disability
Source: VDR 2004 (Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger)
Information about occupational disability insurance
Why is occupational disability insurance so important? Do I really have to make sure I have a possible disability?
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We also like to check for pre-existing diseases like your insurance options.